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【易學英文】想知Nevertheless 用法?Nonetheless、However 嘅分別?附實用例句

【易學英文】想知Nevertheless 用法?Nonetheless、However 嘅分別?附實用例句

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Nevertheless 用法例子:

  1. 表示對前面的事實不予接受:例如: “He is usually very punctual. Nevertheless, he was late for the meeting yesterday.” (他通常非常準時,但是昨天會議他遲到了)
  2. 表示對前面的說法進行轉折:例如: “The weather was terrible all day. Nevertheless, the party was a huge success.” (整天天氣很糟糕,但是派對還是很成功)
  3. 表示對前面的觀點提出替代:例如: “Many people believe that the earth is flat. Nevertheless, there is overwhelming evidence that it is round.” (很多人認為地球是平的,但是有大量證據表明它是圓的)



10句 Nevertheless 例句

  1. He had never traveled alone before; nevertheless, he booked a solo trip and discovered a newfound sense of independence. (他從未獨自旅行過,然而他預訂了一趟獨自旅行,並發現了新的獨立感。)
  2. The project deadline was approaching rapidly; nevertheless, the team pulled together and worked overtime to meet the submission date. (項目的截止日期迅速接近,然而團隊齊心合力,加班工作以滿足提交日期。)
  3. She lacked confidence in her artistic abilities; nevertheless, she decided to enter an art competition and ended up winning first place. (她對自己的藝術才能缺乏信心,然而她決定參加一場藝術比賽,最終贏得了第一名。)
  4. The car broke down in the middle of nowhere; nevertheless, they managed to fix it temporarily and continue their journey. (車子在一個偏遠的地方抛錨了,然而他們設法暫時修好並繼續他們的旅程。)
  5. He had a fear of public speaking; nevertheless, he volunteered to give a presentation and conquered his fear in front of a large audience. (他害怕公開演講,然而他自願進行演講,並在一個大觀眾面前克服了恐懼。)
  6. The house needed extensive renovations; nevertheless, they took on the challenge and transformed it into their dream home. (這所房子需要大規模翻修,然而他們接受了這個挑戰,將其變成了他們的夢想之家。)
  7. She had never cooked a gourmet meal before; nevertheless, she followed a complex recipe and surprised everyone with a delicious dinner. (她從未煮過精緻的大餐,然而她按照一個複雜的食譜,用一頓美味的晚餐讓大家驚喜不已。)
  8. The hiking trail was steep and challenging; nevertheless, they persevered and reached the mountain peak, enjoying breathtaking views. (遠足小徑又陡又難,然而他們堅持不懈,到達了山頂,欣賞到了令人驚嘆的景色。)
  9. The novel was rejected by multiple publishers; nevertheless, the author kept revising and eventually found a publishing house that believed in their work. (這部小說被多家出版社拒絕,然而作者不斷修訂,最終找到了一家相信他們作品的出版社。)
  10. Despite financial difficulties, they decided to start their own business; nevertheless, through hard work and determination, they built a successful company. (儘管面臨財務困難,他們決定創立自己的企業,然而通過努力工作和毅力,他們建立了一家成功的公司。)


「Nevertheless」 是一個正式的詞語,通常用於報告、文件、學術論文等正式文件中Photo from MamiDaily


1. Nevertheless vs Nonetheless

「Nevertheless」 和「Nonetheless」 的意思是類似的,都表示「即使…也…」,但是在用法上有一些微妙的區別。

「Nevertheless」 是一個正式的詞語,通常用於報告、文件、學術論文等正式文件中。它強調了對前面說法進行轉折的堅定性。

「Nonetheless」 是一個更非正式的詞語,通常用於日常對話、筆記、blog等非正式文件中。它強調了對前面說法進行轉折的現實性。


2.Nevertheless vs However

「However」 是一個更常用的轉折連接詞,意思是「然而」,但是。它可以用於正式和非正式的文件中,比Nevertheless和Nonetheless更加常用。它表示對前面說法進行轉折,但是並不強調堅定性或現實性。



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