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張名雅陀細仔自覺背叛左大仔 向大仔細仔承諾永遠一視同仁

張名雅陀細仔自覺背叛左大仔 向大仔細仔承諾永遠一視同仁

By Milky on 28 Dec 2018
Digital Editor




產後8日嘅Carat係社交平台上載左張大仔Mario同細仔Milo嘅合照,寫著" So, I have cried several times since my pregnancy. When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing that came to my mind was O M G I will have less time to spend on/with Mario and I felt like I have betrayed him. I had teary eyes. Another time it hit me was when I heard stories told by my gynaecologist how some parents tend to focus on the newborn and neglect the older brother. One case was a behaving seven year old kid telling his parents that he will be able to take care of himself and asked them to please focus entirely on the newborn. He was such a thoughtful brother! One day the older brother came back to his mom telling her he was actually upset. The mother bursted into tears. She didn’t realise focusing entirely on the newborn could hurt the son because he told them not to worry. This time tears uncontrollably ran down my cheeks. Another time was when Mario first noticed sai lo Milo is a baby (not just my babybump haha). He continued crying seeing mi mi or ba ba looking at or holding baby Milo. The way he cried hit my heart! To Baby Milo and and Baby Mario: Mi mi and baba created the both of you with love. We will always love the two of you with all our heart! Soon the brotherly love will grow and the two of you will realise how great it is to have a brother!  Cheers to brotherhood ",內容講到Carat陀第二胎嘅時候喊過好多次,最初係因為覺得自己有第二胎會少左時間陪大仔同照顧大仔,感覺上好似背叛左仔仔。一次喊係因為聽到婦產科醫生講有一啲爸爸媽媽會因為有第二胎而忽略左哥哥姐姐。其中一個例子係一個7歲嘅哥哥知道BB出世,就叫爸爸媽媽專心照顧BB,佢可以自己照顧自己。例子中嘅爸爸媽媽不以為然,覺得大仔好生性,點知有日哥哥先同媽媽講其實自己好唔開心,媽媽先醒覺自己太專注於BB原來會傷害到大仔。另一次喊係因爲哥哥Mario見到爸爸媽媽抱住細佬Milo,扭計喊所以搞到Carat都喊埋一份。









Text : Mami Editorial
Photo Source : 張名雅@Instagram


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