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【易學英文】DSE 英文 Paper 1 --Reading搞錯意思? 8個常常誤會的句式和字詞

【易學英文】DSE 英文 Paper 1 --Reading搞錯意思? 8個常常誤會的句式和字詞

我( Spencer Lam ) 畢業於香港大學心理學畢業,再而進修金融學然後成為一位補習老師,有豐富的教育經驗。雖然出身較為特別但無礙成為一位優秀的補習老師。於短短8年間,已經幫超過1000名同學於英文上取得好成績


Reading|目錄 + 快速連結


考生要留意Reading卷上通常都會有很多令人誤會的句式和字詞Photo from MamiDaily

1. all but + n. = 幾乎、差不多全是

通常看見 all but…,同學們都會以為是「所以但除了……」的意思,但其實正確的意思是「幾乎、差不多全是」。

例句:The criticism against adolescents is all but the lack of willpower and determination.


2. n. + has little positive to say = 沒有甚麼好話好說

這句就字面看來相信有很多人會以為是解「xx 對那樣事件沒有很正面的看法」,但其實真正意思於正面負面無關,而是解作沒有甚麼好話好說。

例句:Hong Kong people have little positive to say about the mainland tourists as they are often unhygienic and erode precious resources, like milk powder.


3. n. + is nothing less than + n. = 完全是


例句:The criticism against adolescents is all but the lack of willpower and determination.


有很多乍看之下很相似的字詞但是它們的意思卻截然不同Photo from MamiDaily


I. Advise & Advice

Advise – 動詞verb

例句:Stephen advised Kelly to read more books.

Advice – 名詞noun

例句:Peter gave May good advice.


II. Abroad & Aboard

Abroad – 在國外

例句:I have been working abroad since last year.

Aboard – 在交通工具上

例句:All passengers were aboard the plane.


III. Principle & Principal

Principle – 原則,原理

例句:It is a basic principle of education that all teenagers can go to school.

Principal – 校長

例句:I am forced to go to the principle’s office after school.



IV. Breathe & Breath

Breathe – 動詞verb

例句: I can’t breathe because I have a stuffy nose.

Breath – 名詞noun

例句:Go out and take a deep breath to relax.



V. Quiet & Quite

Quiet – 安靜

例句:Spencer is a quiet person.

Quite – 有一點

例句:It is quite windy today.

以上的句子其實都是很好用來幫助了解整篇Reading passage的,所以大家記住把它們背下來啊!






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