英文洗腦兒歌排行榜: 學好英文 一字既之曰:LOOP
Baby Shark
"Baby Shark doo doo doo doo doo doo , Baby Shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo Baby Shark"
Baby Shark一曲由上年起風靡全球,其不斷重覆的旋律及歌詞,加上容易掌握而有節奏的舞步,大受小朋友們歡迎。因為歌詞簡單易上口,一些2歲半-3歲的小朋友都懂得唱Baby Shark。
The Wheels on the Bus
"The wheels on the bus go round and round,round and round,round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town"
在YouTube搜尋,不難發現The Wheel on the Bus原來有好幾個Version,不同巴士上的有趣怪叫聲,加上重覆的歌詞,吸引不少語言發展剛起步的幼兒。
Head, Shoulder, Knees & Toes
"Head and shoulders knees and toes,Knees and toes,
Head and shoulders knees and toes,Knees and toes,
And eyes and ears, and mouth and nose,
Head and shoulders knees and toes,Knees and toes"
幼稚園面試中,老師偶爾會提問幼兒身體所在地方。Head, Shoulder, Knees & Toes正正對症下藥,幫助幼兒聽著音樂認識身體。
The Finger Family Song
"Father finger, father finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am, how do you do?"
Finger Family Songs除了教導幼兒認識每隻小手指,更可藉此認識家庭成員。
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
"Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head,
Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said, no more monkeys jumping on the bed"
Text: Mami Editorial